Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Thetford Samhain Fayre
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
Hail & Welcome to Thetford Earth Spirit Pagan Event, we invite to join us and enjoy a magical Samhain Fayre! Whether you are a witch, warlock, druid, or shaman, old or new and just starting on your spiritual path all are welcome. During the day there will be free workshops for you to enjoy, you can book a reading or healing, and browse the many retail stalls. Exhibitor’s will be announced soon! Entrance to the event £1 We pride ourselves having high quality wares at our events many of the hand-crafted goods our made by pagans that have a vast amount of experience and knowledge which they are happy to share. Come and honour the ancestors with like minded folk, dress to impress on the day, and join in the fun!